C ommander Masters is an upcoming expansion for MTG focused on its Commander format. Like other Masters sets, it will feature sought-after reprints for players looking to expand their collection. But unlike those games, MTG Commander Masters is designed specifically for EDH, packed with cards for players to put into their Commander decks.
Coming in August, this MTG set will have reprints of very expensive MTG cards like The Ur-Dragon and Jeweled Lotus. Wizards is also selling some fancy-looking Commander decks along with Commander Masters draft, set, and collector boosters, including a five-color deck for Slivers and a colorless deck for Eldrazi. Each of these will have ten new cards, including all new MTG commanders to lead them.

MTG Commander Masters Release Date
August 4 is the release date for MTG Commander Masters, when it will be available to a global audience. Before that, there will be preview events at select WPN stores from July 28 to 30. This one won’t be coming to MTG Arena, as the platform doesn’t have a Commander game mode, so there’s no need to worry about a digital release date.
As for Commander Masters spoiler season, well, it’s about to begin. Previews begin on July 11 and the entire set should be show by July 18. It is believed that the four decks could be the best of the entire MTG.